Electric Vehicles (EV's) has been on the agenda for quite some years now but only now we see the vision is coming through. With some "help" from the diesel scandal and EU legislation combined with an emerging understanding of the neccessity of reducing CO2 emissions, it's dawning for green business - at last!
Most car manufacturers now have a program in place for EV's and the next question to ask is; will the charging infrastructure follow the demand for charging? And also - will the grid be able to supply the power required for charging millions of EV's? New technologies and standards for the smart-grid that will enable this and at the same time support peak shaving, frequency containment etc.Vehicle to grid (V2G), Vehicle to home (V2H) and other routes and standards that support the integration between power residing in batteries in the vehicles with other areas is the key enabler for flexible use and control of energy systems.
Important standards
The ISO 15118-20 standard, published in April 2022, extends the ISO 15118-2 standard released in 2014. In addition to improving the functionalities covered by ISO 15118-2 (AC and DC charging, Plug and Charge, Smart Charging), ISO 15118-20 expands the range of possibilities and use cases by specifying bidirectional, wireless and pantograph charging.
Electrification is now moving fast forward also in the truck industry. The demand for power in this industry, not at least within longhaul trucking is considerably higher. To support this demand, a standard Mega Charging Standard (MCS) that supports charging at up to 1.250 Volt and 3.000 ampere has been in development since 2018 by the industry group Charin. Check out the details here>>
Are EV's really cleaner than ICE based vehicles?
There is one thing that seem to continue to pop up from time to time in the debate on EV's and that is - "are EV's really cleaner than their ICE counterparts?". So here's a couple of links on serious research in the field: Bloomberg article as of January 2019>>> and a "well to wheel" lifecycle report from Wood Mackenzie>>>
But - You can be sure that "big oil" and the industries so heavily dependentent on fossil based transportation will continue to poise reports and "research" of dubious quality in the years to come!
If you missed the journey of the EV..
Tesla's Elon Musk recently tweeted, "Great electric car documentary about early days of Tesla, GM Volt, Nissan Leaf & Gadget. So much has happened since then." Indeed. With the spotlight shining so brightly on Elon and Tesla, it's hard to remember how far the man (and the company) have come since the early days. Many of the early struggles surrounding Tesla were captured in this fascinating flick, Revenge of the Electric Car.